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墨西(xī)哥Casa RO住宅

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墨西(xī)哥Casa RO住宅第1張圖片


Casa RO這間由墨西(xī)哥Elias Rizo Arquitectos設計團隊打造的住宅,近乎完美的表現了其自(zì)然的本性,同時,既粗放(fàng)又(yòu)不失精緻。來自(zì)瓜達拉哈拉的建築師(shī),用簡潔的線條和貫通(tōng)室内外的布局,把這裡(lǐ)打造成了一(yī)個(gè)複雜(zá)的框架結構。室内設計師(shī)Ana Laura Oroz和Karima Dipp用各種有機(jī)元素,比如浮木(mù)雕塑,還(hái)有光(guāng)滑細緻的大理石和精心處理過的木(mù)頭,把這裡(lǐ)變成一(yī)個(gè)名副其實的自(zì)然寓所。



Casa RO by Mexico\'s Elias Rizo Arquitectos is nature at its best - both raw and refined. The Guadalajara-based architect created this intricate framework of clean lines and an open layout that connects interior spaces and the outdoors. Interiors designed by Ana Laura Oroz and Karima Dipp are filled with organic elements like driftwood sculptures juxtaposed against sleek glossy marble and beautifully finished wood throughout the home, setting the tone for a veritable natural experience.

From the architects, \"The original house was built in the late 60s in the international style and had once featured all the aesthetic concerns that dominated the architectural production of its day. Its orthogonal geometry, its frank distribution, its -+openness to the exterior and the materials used in its construction were some of the cues from which we initiated the arduous process of intervention. The main challenge was to adapt this aged shell of a house to suit the needs of a contemporary young family, without altering its essence.\"

墨西(xī)哥Casa RO住宅室内實景圖-墨西(xī)哥Casa RO住宅第2張圖片

墨西(xī)哥Casa RO住宅室内實景圖

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墨西(xī)哥Casa RO住宅室内局部實景圖-墨西(xī)哥Casa RO住宅第5張圖片

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墨西(xī)哥Casa RO住宅室内客廳實景圖-墨西(xī)哥Casa RO住宅第9張圖片

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墨西(xī)哥Casa RO住宅室内卧室實景圖-墨西(xī)哥Casa RO住宅第14張圖片

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墨西(xī)哥Casa RO住宅室内實景圖-墨西(xī)哥Casa RO住宅第15張圖片

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墨西(xī)哥Casa RO住宅外部局部實景圖-墨西(xī)哥Casa RO住宅第19張圖片

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墨西(xī)哥Casa RO住宅外部夜景實景圖-墨西(xī)哥Casa RO住宅第20張圖片

墨西(xī)哥Casa RO住宅外部夜景實景圖